Denver Housing Authority to temporarily house migrant and refugee families in Gaebe and Triangolo Halls on Mosaic Community Campus in 2024

Update From Denver Housing Authority: Denver Housing Authority (DHA) plans to house migrant and refugee families in Denver in Gaebe Hall and Triangolo Hall — former dormitories that DHA owns on the south end of the campus.

The population to be housed here is exclusively families that have recently arrived in Denver and are in the process of resettling in our community. Please note this temporary housing effort is separate and distinct from the City and County of Denver’s House1000 initiative to provide shelter for those living in homeless encampments.

This DHA endeavor, in partnership with local nonprofits, will provide wraparound services to the new residents. These services will likely include navigation support for permanent housing, employment, education, healthcare, and English language acquisition (ELA) courses. DHA’s partners also intend to provide on-site case managers to assist the residents.

With increased numbers of residents on campus, 24/7 security services at Triangolo and Gaebe Halls will be provided, which is above and beyond the existing security services on the campus and will be closely coordinated with existing security.

As of now, an exact move-in date has not been determined. Up to 35 families will be moving into Triangolo Hall no sooner than December 16th, 2023, followed by additional families moving into Gaebe Hall at a later date to be determined. Move-in timing is dependent on ongoing inspections, repairs, and reactivation of the buildings.

Temporary housing for these families would be an interim use only (an estimated 1-3 years). DHA still intends to convert these buildings to permanent affordable housing in the long term and will work on those plans concurrently with the interim emergency housing use.

Campus partners and neighbors are sure to have many questions about this new use of the DHA buildings. Some details are still in development, but DHA and their partners are committed to work with campus partners to develop and coordinate things like communication and emergency plans, shared use of the quad, parking, etc.

Finally, for those who have offered to help, DHA will also soon provide information on how you can help the newcomers to our community and our campus. Please check back at for updates.

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